The Co-Operators
The Co-Operators is an app that was initiated by the residents of Co-Op City that prioritizes in providing services that have been neglected by the corporation running this apartment complex and promoting community wellness and bonding.
Co-Op City is the largest apartment complex located within Bronx, New York. All of the accommodations and living services are provided by the corporation running Co-Op City, Riverbay. However, as a resident of Co-Op City for 21 years, I have noticed how this corporation does the bare minimum for its residents and makes it obvious that they only care about their monetary wealth. There have been many lawsuits against Riverbay, but unfortunately no changes had come of them.
I had asked other resident's their opinion's on the matter:
Questions Asked:
How would you describe the quality of the Riverbay Corporation?
How happy are you with your living conditions?
Do you feel safe in Co-Op City?
Do you feel a strong sense of community in Co-Op City?
What do you hope could be improved about your living condition?
Since complaining, reporting to higher-up's, and even making law suits seem to not do anything to help. I have decided the only ones who can help us, are ourselves. I established the Co-Operators, a service by the Co-Op City community for the Co-Op City community. Our goal is to volunteer our time and services to one another to help our community with problems that are supposed to be done by the Riverbay corporation. In doing so, we are promoting a healthier living environment for everyone, enhancing our community bond, and making a statement against Riverbay. We decided the most efficient way of operating would be through a free app.
Mood Board
Final Design
This app would be used by people of all ages, so my priority was to make this app as easy to use as possible by making it very straightforward and including only services and assets that were necessary for the Co-Operators operation. The colors chosen are based on the colors of Riverbay. Their colors are very muted and old looking, so I took those colors, enhanced their saturation to show that the Co-Operators are the modern leaders of Co-Op City.
Additional Assets
To promote the Co-Operators, I designed posters to advertise the organizations services and promote enlisting to our cause. I also designed ID tags for all Co-Operators to ensure everyone's safety.